Design Period:Oct.2011 Status: Complicated Category: Residential
In simple, we try to fit in a maximum number of units with maximum of panoramic views. It is a concept, inspired by Picasso’s Cubism paintings.
We choose a sketch and a poem “home” as a point of departure. “HOME” is both physical space and soulful gravity, composed of a series of the BASICs that one person needs: a bed, a bathroom, a water boiler, a refrigerator, a cable for a computer, a bathroom and a window with a view.
From this starting point, a user can venture into encounters with others, the idea of sharing like dining & living: commune. The design of Unit Combination is based on the principle of HOME + commune by interlocking, which leads to tectonic interpretation of THINNESS: a room with interlocking views. The design is to reinforce the thinness of naturally linear quality of building by shifting, stretching & flattening the views of landscape on all directions, to make the building look and experience even thinner. This way we can achieve and guarantee each basic unit a different but complete view within the limited & minimal area.